"The human administration" Ebersberg with sdp
“sdp fits very well into our concept [...] because it gives our employees the opportunity [...] to deal with various pieces of the social skills mosaic and prepare them for dialog with colleagues, citizens and other authorities. These are the tools of the trade for our employees”
Robert Niedergesäß | District Administrator
Video (02:23 min): District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß on sdp in the human administration [in German]
For several years now, the Ebersberg District Office (Upper Bavaria) has been using the skills development platform - sdp - to support its cultural transformation into a "human administration".
Users are employees at all levels, from department heads to trainees.
Together with support in regular "sdp consultation hours", costs for (external) conflict mediation were reduced, cooperation across divisions improved and the atmosphere became noticeably more cooperative.
Video (07:21 min): Interview with the Head of Department 1, Brigitte Keller, about the goals and experiences in the use of sdp [in German]
“[sdp] fits in incredibly well with the times. If you want to be a modern administration, you deal a lot with digitalization. Part of that is dealing with a platform like this and I can already see [...], also from the budget figures, that this effort is paying off.”
Brigitte Keller | Head of Department 1 Central Services & Education
Are you curious to learn how sdp can work in your organization? We look forward to hearing from you using the contact form below: